BTMSEAL Elasto Dryroof

BTMSEAL ELASTO DRYROOF is the specially formulated elastomeric based waterproofing material to be applied to various surfaces. By means of its special formulation, it provides excellent weather resistance and waterproofing characteristics for many substrates. White color is UV-resistant. It is resistant to chalking and dirt and algae, fungus and mildew formation and bridges hairline cracking and also it is resistant to yellowing. It maintains its flexibility at even very high and low temperatures


• Excellent coverage

• Excellent weather resistance

• Bridges hairline cracking

• Waterproofing

• Resistant to U.V. rays

• Algae & Fungus resistant

• Easy to apply

• Flexibility

  • Inclined reinforced concrete,
  • terrace and concrete surfaces,
  • cement based sheet surfaces,
  • river and grooves,
  • under tile waterproofing.


The surface should be clean and dry. It should be free of dirt, dust, oil, wax, mildew and other factors to affect the performance of BTMSEAL ELASTO DRYROOF adversely.

• Remove any loose scale, chalked, cracked or peeling paint from previously painted surfaces by scraping, sanding wire brushing and/or power tool (pressurized water spray or sandblasting)

• Minimum 1500-2000 psi water pressure should be applied for washing the surfaces with pressurized water.

• For metal roof surfaces, remove any loose rust, mill scale, rust deposits or white rust.

• Repair damaged/delaminated surfaces.

• Sand the rough previously painted surfaces and unevenness. Sand glossy surfaces till they become dull.

• Prime all surfaces by adding 30% water to BTMSEAL  ELASTO DRYROOF.


BTMSEAL  ELASTO DRYROOF is easily applied by a brush, roller or airless spray machine.

• Mix BTMSEAL ELASTO DRYROOF in up and down circular motion before and during the application.

• For the best result, it should be applied in two coats allowing minimum 4-6 hours for drying between coats.

• Do not apply it to the wet surfaces. This coating material can be applied to slightly damp surfaces and it will not adhere to surface in wet substrates.

• Two coats should be applied as perpendicular to each other for roller application. (If the first coat is applied as parallel to the length of application surface, the second coat should be perpendicular to the application surface.)

• When applying it by airless spray machine, use a unit capable of pumping 2 gallons/minute with 0.021” – 0.030” nipple diameter.

• While applying it with a spray, adhesion is recommended when it is applied with a roller.

• Apply it when surface and ambient temperature are between 5˚ C - 35˚ C.

• Protect the application against bad weather conditions for exterior applications.

Application tools:

Roller, brush or airless spray (Application tools should be cleaned with water immediately after using them)


1,4 Kg/m² two coats (according to the absorption of surface)


20 Kg plastic bucket

Colour: White,grey,green,red


Store it in original packaging and in dry conditions at temperatures between +5°C and +30°C. Shelf life is minimum two years in unsealed package and dry, cool and closed area.


 Use protective gloves and goggles. Please consult our technical units for more information.

 adres_2BTM Bitümlü Tecrit Maddeleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. Kemalpaşa O.S.B. Mahallesi Gazi Bulvarı No:152 35730 Kemalpaşa/İzmir TURKEY Phone:+90 232 877 04 02 Fax:+90 232 877 04 10 •

CE Belgesi EN 1504-2 (SZUTEST) - Alfahibrit-Elastodryroof-Bitulast
ISO 9001-2015 Quality Management System Certificate