Bitümento BT2K 500

Brush Applied, Water Based, Flexible, Two Component Waterproofing Material enhanced with Polymers and Reinforcing Fibres Flexible waterproofing material free of solvents and reinforced with fiber as well as polymer, rubber and is applied by means of a brush.

  • Ensures perfect adherence to different kinds of mineral surfaces such as concrete, stone and bricks.
  • The tools and equipments required for the application process consist only of a brush and a simple mixer.
  • It is flexible and has a high capacity of crack bridging.
  • It can be applied in a cool form without feeling the need for heating.
  • It is resistant against aggressive underground water, against microorganisms, acids and chemicals.
  • It does not include asbestos and solvents and hence, a safe product.
  • The product ensures continuous insulation without additional application procedures.
  • The product offers easy and long-term solution on difficult surfaces such as pipe penetrations and enlightening lines.
  • The material of 4mm thickness is resistant against a water pressure of 7.5 bars.
  • The product is environment-friendly, as it is water based.

  • To ensure waterproofing on different kinds of mineral surfaces such as concrete, stone, bricks, plasters etc.
  • On ground surfaces and ceilings, curtain walls,
  • Surfaces remaining under soil and contacting water,
  • Wet surfaces in bathrooms, kitchens, and toilets,
  • Under coating surfaces on balconies,
  • To repair reinforced waterproofing structures.


Appearance : First component is brown liquid and the second component is grey powder.
Application Temperature : +5 °C / +35 °C
Mixture : 24 kg liquid/ 8 kg powder
Density of liquid component : 1kg/l
Density of powder component : 1.7 kg/l
Density of mixture : 1.02 kg/l
Operation Process : 1-2 Hours
Consumption : 1.5 kg /m² for 1 mm dry thickness
Waiting period between layers : 1-2 hours
Curing Process : 1 hour under 23 °C
Drying : 24 hours
Flexibility : Good
Water impermeability : 7.5 bars (for 4 mm thickness)
Shelf life (Powder and liquid) : 12 months, in it’ s original unopened package


Ensure that the surface where to be applied is free of dust and is dry. Remove any debris, oil and loose material. The roughness on the application surface shall be corrected and repaired by means of a repair mixture or a BT2K 500 product and all the corners shall be rounded. You can apply a thin layer after you have thinned the product by means of a reinforcing plaster of 1: 2 or BT2K 500 and/or a mixture of 1: 5.


Ensure that the ambient temperature is in between +2°C / +35 °C. Do not use the product under rainy weather conditions.

Do not use the product under extremely hot weather conditions.

Do not apply the product on frozen or potentially frozen surfaces.

Mix the liquid mixture with a slow rpm mixer of 400 rpm. and slowly pour the powder product into the mixture. Mix the components until you obtain a homogenous mixture.

Wait until the plaster layer applied at beforehand dries and then apply two layers of this mixture by means of a brush. Wait until the first layer dries, before applying the second layer. A layer of 50-100 gr/m² fibreglass or a net may be applied in order to fill the cracks and to reinforce the mechanical strength of horizontal and vertical lines.

The ready mixture shall be consumed within 1-2 hours.

The applied surface shall be protected against rain for 48 hours and 72 hours against freezing. Do not apply the product under extremely hot weather conditions and protect the products against direct sunlight. Do not apply soil filling before making sure drainage plates and heat insulation plates are installed on the BT2K surfaces.


The amount of product that you need may change according to the features and the resistance level of the surface, but see the recommended values below:
Area subjected to ground water and non-pressure water:
3mm dry film thickness____________min. 4,5 kg/m²
Area subjected to pressure water____min. 6 kg/m²
NOTE: The amount of consumption may change according to the features and details related to the surface.


Liquid and powder components are in plastic bins of 32 kg (liquid 24 kg, powder 8 kg).


Keep in dry area and protect against direct sunlight.

The shelf life is 12 months for a closed product.

The date of production takes place on the package. 


Do not add water to the mixture. Use only the liquid and powder component.
Do not add foreign substances.
Do not inhale the powder product, as it is cement-based.
Use protective gloves and eye glasses.
Wash with water when contact to skin and eyes take place and ask your doctor in case the product contacts to your eyes.
Do not use empty packages to store drinking water and food.

adres_2BTM Bitümlü Tecrit Maddeleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. Kemalpaşa O.S.B. Mahallesi Gazi Bulvarı No:152 35730 Kemalpaşa/İzmir TURKEY Phone:+90 232 877 04 02 Fax:+90 232 877 04 10 •

ISO 9001-2015 Quality Management System Certificate